Review: Marohei Cables Statement Special Edition cables

As the years go by in the HIFI context that I live in and which means more and more to me, I’m more and more firmly of the opinion that I will continue to write about the components that I had the opportunity to test in my system, about HIFI events, get-togethers, presentations and everything that HIFI as such includes. It makes me happy, fulfills me, and gives me a unique opportunity to create something that will remain recorded in the public space as an audiophile’s collection. How much that collection is worth to someone or not is another story, but it does not change the fact that it was created from the start to be shared.

On the other hand, I firmly believe that I will write less and less about audio cables, especially those that come out of consumer frames. Although I consider them equal components of the HIFI chain, they are the worst category for testing and reviewing because that’s where spears break the most. They go so far that they become the cause of quarrels, insults, and disparagement, both of those who do them and those who write about or use them. I don’t like reading meaningless debates, nor do I want to participate in them, and even less try to reason with someone or convince them that they are wrong.

And now it doesn’t matter to me anymore if someone calls me naive or a puffed-up jerk who thinks he’s hearing something or spouts empty stories. I will write mine because I want to and with the best intention that my experience will help someone, provide helpful information, or, if nothing else, ensure a relaxed and fun time reading the text and looking at the photos. Of course, comments, questions, constructive criticism, and sharing your experiences are welcome. Please note – that there is zero tolerance for mockery, insults, and primitive outbursts. Please continue for those who are not interested and who see the pointlessness of audio cables.

I have written about Marohei cables on the blog pages, and all the reviews have been positive. Maro Filičić, the owner of the company and the chief designer from the first day and the first models, expresses his desire for progress; he does not stop at the current models and is constantly looking for a way to achieve better products technically, i.e., structurally, and with the use of even better quality materials.

In 2015, I wrote on the Too Loud blog about the first models: CT reference and SSR SE interconnects, Signature 3 speaker cables, and AIR SE 3 power cables. Three years later, I wrote about the Maduro S series of cables (interconnects, speaker, and power), which even then represented a significant qualitative leap.

But then, in 2022, Statement interconnects and speaker cables were tested. These components could only be desired in the best systems back then. Two years later, Marohei Cables is launching the Statement Special Edition series of cables.

Of course, the topic came up with such an unimaginative name for the new series, and it was my initiative. Maro more or less agreed with me, although he also had his reasons, which will be discussed later. I wouldn’t object to that name if it were cosmetics, that is, a subtle difference in quality compared to the previous series. Statement and then Statement Special Edition sounds more like this SE suggests refinement in terms of the most expensive terminations, production in a small series, and all of that packed in a luxurious box with a handwritten serial number.

Even after the initial testing, I could not escape the impression that these are products that find their place in the class they belong to. In this case, these classes are not next to each other. Not even close.

I’m sorry that the name didn’t make a difference or hint at the new Statement product. So that it wouldn’t turn out that I was just being clever. I had a couple of names in mind, but I needed more time for the application and even the actual discussion. The products were already there.

The statement suggests the pinnacle of the offer, a nexus of engineering or construction knowledge and experience proven over decades. The product represents a legacy as a timeless proof of value. In addition, many manufacturers use statements only when there are Signature and Reference series products in the offer.

But there is a cure for everything so that I could name it Legacy. That name has almost the same weight as Statement, and to make matters better, one name does not diminish the other but makes a difference. Italian Pathos used the Legacy name last year for their integrated amplifier, which is the best they ever made in the factory—clearly, and the most expensive.

The other is Absolute, a name that brazenly lets others know that they are below, an immeasurable class, perhaps superior, but not enough. In addition, there are many such superior ones, Statement, Signature, References, and even Legacy; all of these are under the roof of the only truth in sound, where there is no debate at all because, that is, the Absolute surpasses everything.

I didn’t check if there are already cables with such names; I don’t remember hearing about them, but if I need to be corrected, feel free to write in the comments.

Fortunately, all the above falls into ideas, conversations, friendly suggestions, and tweaks to the experience. Far more important is the product’s core, which is tangible and created based on knowledge and detailed work. It is born from experience and consistency regarding its understanding of high-fidelity sound, enormous self-confidence, and firm belief in a flawless approach to construction.

The new series includes interconnects, RCA and XLR, speaker cables, and a power cable. I wonder whether a phono, digital USB, or another cable in the series will follow.

The artistry mainly suggests that it is expensive, especially in the wooden parts and engraving. The same applies to the terminations of the power cable and solid cardboard packaging, which rounds off the whole story.

The reason why Maro Filičić chose the name Statement Special Edition is perhaps best explained by the constructor himself (I am transcribing the resulting text in its entirety):

“The purpose of the cables is to connect the audio system devices in the best possible way, and this, first of all, means that they must be correct!

It is convenient to repeat that each cable is a resistor, coil, and capacitor (RLC) simultaneously. We must never lose sight of this if we want the system to reproduce our music optimally. All three elements are important, and we know the approximate values ​​that should be followed, especially when our goal is high-fidelity reproduction.

The Statement Special Edition series of cables results from filtered experience, years of listening, and efforts to keep the best characteristics and separate them from all the undesirable ones we want to eliminate. Also, to a reasonable extent, it arose as a need to “repair” or, instead, remove defects, which is not a rare case with some audio equipment manufacturers. It is often about insufficiently optimized rectifier sections and modest RF and EMI protection.

A big problem, often interpreted as bad synergy, is the appearance of the ground loop effect. Special edition cables are structurally designed and contain a circuit designed to eliminate the negative influence of the ground loop effect, especially in the high-pitched part of the spectrum. They are embedded in wooden elements made of Burmese teak. In addition, the anti-vibration properties have been improved by using a new, more advanced silk tubing insulation in several layers, Teflon has been removed as hydro and atmospheric protection, and a new generation of premium conductors made of highly purified silver and copper have been inserted. This part primarily refers to signal and digital cables.

My long listening periods contributed significantly to the job being done professionally and right to the end, no matter how laborious. A significant contribution to creating certain protections belongs to our great expert in electrical engineering, Zeljko Nastasić, and considering the results obtained, we can hardly imagine a better product from our workshop.

All connectors were selected by selection so that the price was not a parameter that was taken into account, but the technical characteristics, especially the transient resistance. Silver WBT 102Ag performed best for RCA, and silver Neutrik XXX-Black Ag for XLR. Currents are a separate story; the only option left was the OEM option. The pins are 5N OCC copper plated with 11 microns of silver, making it superior to the average thickness of most connectors of 5-7 microns.

We know that cable prices are relatively high, but it is essential to consider that it is a luxury product for users who want an uncompromising product. That is precisely why the inscription “Special edition” has been added to the basic Statement series. This is a good opportunity to mention that the standard Statement series has been improved by introducing the same category of silver and copper.

According to the previous agreement, I received speaker cables for testing with wider WBT forks at the ends to optimally connect them to the speakers and the amplifier. The future buyer can express his desire to have banana connectors at the ends or combine both. WBT Nextgen was on the RCA interconnects, and Neutrik connectors were on the XLR interconnects.

Testing started with speaker cables. The luxury of the sound image was already noticeable on the first listen. I am primarily referring to the stage rich in details, which has been significantly deepened and expanded. I must admit that I was surprised because I did not expect such a difference in sound. I asked myself, “Could those strings be so good?!

Taught by experience, I quickly recovered because that initial “wow” experience often turns into disappointment after running a long distance. Then it often turns out that it was only a specific part that seemed seductive at first, but that part became tiring because it was not in harmony with the rest of the team.

However, this was not the case here, and the experience of listening to music with the Statement SE speaker cables was truly sensational. Classical orchestral works had great flow and momentum. I listened to extremely convincing, almost tangible presentations of the instruments. The dynamic range increased, and the feeling of pleasure of endless observation of what was actually happening on the stage was created. The gaze sometimes reached the first, sometimes to the second rows, the farthest and closest, those on the far left and the far right.

The best thing is that the game was easy, flexible, and demanding. On the contrary, it seemed natural. When you watch and listen to something live, everything you see and hear is imposed as an innate ability to perceive images and sounds. Effort occurs the moment you are affected by, for example, oversaturated colors or too loud sound. There is no such thing here because everything is balanced and connected.

Although by recently upgrading the speakers, preamplifier, and output amplifier of my system, in my understanding of HIFI sound, I achieved the best sound in my home so far; with the Statement SE speaker cables, it turned out that there is room for even better.

I can’t generally associate a specific sound signature with the Statement SE speaker cables because it does not exist. In other words, no characteristic would mark them as warm or cold, as cables that should be paired with closed or open systems. There is none of that, and that best says how good they are because they don’t try to fix what’s wrong with the sound. The cables “simply” do their job as all cables should do.

Yes, you will gain in resolution or tighter and deeper bass, but this means that the cables you are currently using cannot be pulled from end to end. Well, mine, especially the speakers, can’t.

One example is Also Sprach Zarathustra, by Richard Strauss, performed by the New York Philharmonic and conducted by Giuseppe Sinopoli (DG, 1992). There, you could feel the difference in dynamics, a tighter entry into the opening composition, and a more convincing crescendo. The difference in energy was felt; therefore, the experience was more concrete and closer to the real performance.

XLR and RCA interconnects left a similar impression. There, the sound stage was further stretched, and I gained a better insight into the finest parts of the musical fabric and thus received additional information from the audio recording itself. In my case, i.e., in my system, the balanced XLR interconnects provided a bit more than RCA cables, but only because the whole system is balanced from source to output.

Compared to the Sumic Audio Ultimate 5 cables, they fought a dead battle, and it is difficult to declare a winner here because they each excel in their way. Ultimate 5 are fantastic cables with a highly neutral character. Then again, the Statement SE cables outline the details more finely and deepen the stage. These, on the other hand, go into the more informative low-frequency area.

In a multi-day comparison of XLR cables, and among dozens of albums and compositions that I listened to and used as test samples, the choice fell on one unusual but excellently recorded album by Michel Godard – Monteverdi, A Trace of Grace (Carpe Diem Records, 2011). The album was created in the Cistercian abbey in Norlac in the 12th century, otherwise one of the most beautiful and best-preserved French religious buildings. Of course, the acoustics heavily interfered with the final sound, but the exceptional caliber of the musicians and the compositions performed should not be overlooked.

One that raises the hairs on the arms and sends tingles down the spine (at least in my case) is Si dolce e il tormento, SV 332. If you don’t feel the vocals and instruments floating through the space in perfect symbiosis, and if the system doesn’t trick you and launch you “there,” you have reason to worry.

Fortunately, I haven’t had those worries for a long time, but thanks to products like this, as the Statement SE interconnects, a ticket to sit in line closer to the musicians appears, and the sound is even better, and the experience is better. That ticket is more finely expressed and has more tangible details, and the proximity offers a better view.

In my system, they sat best between the DAC and the preamp, although they also did a superb job between the preamp and the output amp. I have to admit that I regret not having another pair available to complete a balanced story among the components.

As for the power cable, a familiar scenario was repeated. There was almost no significant effect on the sound of the output amplifier. A similar thing with the preamplifier. However, the difference was felt on the DAC. Compared to the Transparent Reference Gen. 5 power cable, the sound gained additional weight, i.e., a deeper bass. The dark background and calm image have been retained, so my recommendation to future owners would be to start with a digital source. Whether the Statement SE power cable will give them a positive shift when complete with an output amp or preamp has yet to be tried and heard.

My experiences with power cables show that the differences in sound can be drastic but that it largely depends on the power supply in the devices themselves. Pass Labs is known for being inferior regarding power cables, while the same cannot be said for other models. A quality power cable has almost always played an essential role with digital devices.

With a calmer and darker picture, often the details surfaced, the sound gained connection, and the dynamics improved. Of course, there are no strict rules here; everything depends from system to system or device to device. Here, I write about my experience with digital sources and power cables.

The peak of the testing happened when all the cables were connected to the system. It was a time of pure enjoyment and smiling from ear to ear. Marohei Cables has once again done a hell of a job giving me hours and hours of music enjoyment.

In a later telephone conversation with Maro Filičić, I told him that the speaker cables made the best impression on me and that I would reluctantly part with them. I also emphasized that the interconnects are fantastic cables, even more so because they unapologetically rival my best cables in the system. Moreover, in some segments, they are even better.

As Maro Filičić wrotethe cable price is not small, but you should know that such cables have no place in beginner or more straightforward systems. I would even dare to write that with these types of cables, the question is not whether they are worth the requested money but whether someone can buy them or not. They are absolutely worth it in my system, and if I could, I would keep them all without a second thought.

Unfortunately, I can’t buy them now, so I returned them. I was not disappointed and sad but happy because I gained another valuable listening experience. On the other hand, I am also glad that there is still someone in Croatia with the will to progress and research and who can produce such audio products. That alone deserves applause and a bow.

Unfortunately, there is no bread from applause and bows, so I hope that Marohei Cables will continue to find customers outside of Croatia. With a bit of luck, they may appear at the presentation at TOO LOUD FEST in 2024. Everything is wide open, just like the sound of the Statement SE cable.


Marohei Cables Statement Special Edition speaker cables  – 7,000 €/2 x 2,4 m 
Marohei Cables Statement Special Edition interconnects (XLR i RCA) – 3,000 €/1 m
Marohei Cables Statement Special Edition Power cable – 3,000 €/1,8 m
Marohei Cables Statement Special Edition (SPDIF i AES/EBU) – 1,800 €/1 m

Marohei Cables
Podvoljak 1
51000 Rijeka
Phone: +385 91 131 5062

Associated Equipment:

Speakers: Bowers & Wilkins 804 D4
Preamplifier: Pass XP-22
Power Amplifier:
 Pass X350.8
D/A converterr: Teac UD-505X
Analogue Source: Kuzma Stabi S PS MKII/Kuzma 4Point 9/Lyra Delos
Phono Preamplifier: Pass XP-17
Digital Source: MacBook Air, Audirvana 3.5
Digital Source (CD transport): Marantz CD6000 OSE LE
Digital Cable (USB): Nordost Blue Heaven
Digital Cable (AES/EBU): Z Audio Spider (XLR)
Digital Cable (COAX): Profigold (RCA)
Speaker Cables: Transparent Musicwave Super MM2, Transparent The Wave Gen. 5, Sumic Audio Ultimate 5 (jumpers)
Interconnects (XLR): Transparent Musiclink Super MM2, Transparent Musiclink Plus MM2, WAY Cables Harmony+, Sumic Audio Ultimate 3, Cardas Clear Rev. 2
Interconnects (RCA): Marohei Cables CT Reference, Sumic Audio Overture 3
Power Cables: Transparent Reference Power Cord Gen. 5, Audioquest NRG-2, Audioquest NRG-3, Wireworld Stratus
Power Distribution: Supra MD06-EU MKII
Accessories: Stillpoints Ultra SS, Stillpoints Mini
HIFI Rack: Rondo Spirit Custom
Speaker Stands: KEF Performance
Room: Acoustically Treated, 8,5×3,8×2,8 m


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